Mini Matrix 18x8=144Pixel - 60cmX26.6cm(+frame) - 30LEDs/m - 5m WS2812b LED Strip

EN: Welcome to Mini Matrix project. It is a minimalistic matrix project: Only about two evenings of tinkering (and about 40Eur parts if you buy cheap).

DE: Willkommen beim Mini Matrix Projekt. Es ist en Minimalprojekt: Nur etwa zwei Abende basteln (und ca. 40Eur Material, wenn man es billig kauft).

Documentation how to use: Matrix cheat sheet
Quick start:

void PrototypeAnimation(int len_s)  // len_s = length in seconds
{ // your variables
  int x=0; // x-position of the dot

  // standard loop part (copy this part, no need to understand)
  int wait=100; // defines 100 ms steps from frame to frame
  ...some more lines to copy... loop:
  { ...
    // your simulation step
    paint(x,0,  255,0,0);     // red (255,0,0) dot at x,0 (0=y is top of screen)
    x = x+1;                  // move right
    if (x >= SCRdx) x=0;      // if at border (SCRdx) restart at 0
  }       // SCRdx / SCRdy is screen size given by framework


  • 5m LED Strip WS2812b / 30LEDs/m (the data goes in bottom left, then goes right, then one row up, to the left, then one row up etc.)
  • Wood 3-6mm for back
  • Wood for frame
  • Thick paper / something that does block light a bit for cellseparators
  • White baking paper
  • Arduino (Uno, Pro Mini, … (with ATmega328)) - Attach LED strip input to Arduino pin4
  • Optional: attach brightness Poti A0-A1-A2 (e.g. 10Klinear)
  • Optional: attach interaction Poti A0-A3-A2 (e.g. 10Klinear)
  • Power source: For max. power you typically need in sum 5V/8..9A attached to the left side of the strps (you might want to use some step-down converter modules) - typically it uses only 500mA-1A if not too bright and not so many LEDs on.

Software Download (Lib and examples, v0.9.0, GPL, zipped Arduino sketch):

Gemacht von / Doku von Entwickelt seit / fertig war es ca.
Frank 2014
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